Alysia Burrows: First Woman to Conquer the AHT Man Card Drill

Last weekend was the Achilles Heel Tactical 2021 Q3 Rx Range Day in Seguin, TX, and as has come to be expected from these epic quarterly events, it created memorable moments for all who participated. Yet, this particular installment had an extra special moment for our very own Alysia Burrows who became the first lady in the history of the “Man Card Drill” to successfully complete it.
What is the Man Card Drill? It is a series of simple firearms tasks performed under time constraints and marksmanship standards in 5 separate strings:
String 1: Deliver a single hit on C-zone steel with a pistol from a compressed ready start position at 25 yards in under 1 second.
String 2: Deliver a single hit on C-zone steel with a pistol drawn from a holster at 25 yards in under 1.5 seconds.
String 3: Deliver a single hit on C-zone steel with a carbine from a low ready start position at 25 yards in under 1 second.
String 4: Deliver a single hit on C-zone steel with a carbine from a high ready start position at 25 yards in under 1 second.
String 5: Deliver a single hit on C-zone steel with a carbine from a start position of your choice at 25 yards, transition to pistol and deliver a single hit on the same C-zone steel, all in under e.5 seconds.
Other conditions around this drill include delivering all of these tasks from a cold state, so all shooters who participated in the Rx Range Day experience have an opportunity to do it, but it is all conducted after a day of training and after dinner has been served. All participants are handed a “Man Card” at the beginning of the proceedings, and line up to perform the first string. Those that do not pass the standards of the first string (either in accuracy or within the allotted time) must relinquish their “Man Card” to Rick.
Unlike all other participants, Alysia had not been training all day, but had been serving as a range safety officer for the competition 2-gun class that was being taught. As she states in the video, she had to perform all of the strings “completely cold.”
Congratulations to Alysia for this big accomplishment!