Online Shooting Classes

Welcome to our catalog of online shooting classes designed to help you develop and fine tune your shooting skills no matter where you are in your journey. New gun owners can learn fundamentals of safe and effective firearms handling in the privacy of their own home before ever setting foot on a range. Experienced shooters can now access instruction on specific skills and drills to help them further their current skill set. New classes and content are added monthly, so keep checking back!

Pistol Classes

Online Handgun Mini Classes

Get on target faster, increase your accuracy, manage recoil better, smooth out your manipulation skills, and more!

Click below to see a variety of mini online classes to hone your handgun skills!


Self Defense

Online Self Defense Mini Classes

Learn to recognize, evade, de-escalate, and escape would-be attackers and threats before they have an opportunity to try anything.

Click below to see our growing list of online classes for self defense.


Carbine Classes

Online Carbine Classes COMING SOON

Online Carbine Mini Classes


Shotgun Classes

Online Shotgun Classes COMING SOON

Online Shotgun Mini Classes


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Joint Our Online Skill Builder Community for Free!

Keep your training sharp even when you're not in class or on the range. It is FREE to join, and a resource we've created to keep students engaged, answer questions, and share tips and insights to help keep students progressing between taking classes.

We've done the Facebook Groups and other formats, but after getting restricted too many times, and eventually shut down; we finally decided we didn't want 'big tech' to have a say on the skills and insights we share online, so we built our own!